On Monday 21 December 2020, Chung Wah Association organised two hundred meals from Subway for the homeless population in the City of Perth area to redeem with pre-arranged vouchers. Coincidentally it is also the Winter Solstice, a traditional Chinese festival that is celebrated with a family reunion dinner.

During Christmas time, families anticipate the festive celebration, however there are many homeless struggling to have a basic meal. Chung Wah Association does not forget these people who face daily hunger and isolation from the community. An increased number of homeless people was also witnessed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

The President of the Chung Wah Association, Dr Ting Chen said,” We are all in it together, we should be there to help each other. Giving love and care to people we see would make the society better and more harmonious.”

The Chung Wah Senior Vice President, Yudy Kodratjaya commented that he believes the homeless often experience hunger. As the festive season is around the corner, we hope that by celebrating Christmas together, our little gesture brings warmth during a cold period of their lives.

The Member for South Metropolitan Region, Honourable Kate Doust MLC, also showed her support by attending the event. She was interviewed by the Chung Wah online Current Affairs video news and talked about the social issue of the homeless.

Kate said, “The McGowan Labor Government has acknowledged the difficulty people are experiencing in our State with homelessness, particularly as a result of COVID-19, and has recently announced the election commitment of more than a billion dollars to deal with social housing issues, homelessness issues with a variety of project that will be initiated after the election.”

“The Chung Wah Association and members of the Chinese community in Western Australia have come up with this fantastic initiative to provide vouchers to support homeless people in our community over the Christmas period. It is certainly a welcome project and demonstrates their ongoing support to people who are doing it tough.”

Chung Wah Association is grateful for the generosity of the Good Fortune Roast Duck Restaurant and Chung Wah members for sponsoring this event.  In addition, we also appreciate the support from the City of Perth and the assistance of our volunteers, Subway Northbridge store and Ruah Community Centre.

Chung Wah Association commits to continuing charity work for the wider community in Perth and also wishes to have more community members join us, to together make a difference to the lives of the vulnerable community.

Chung Wah Association
21 December 2020

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Media contact: Elvie Yap | 0402 639 635 | editor@chungwah.org.au