15 May 2022
Media Release

Labor $1.75 million commitment towards constructing a new Chung Wah Community Centre

The Chung Wah Association is proud to announce that an elected Labor Government will commit $1.75 million towards constructing a new Chung Wah Community Centre in Perth’s southern suburbs. This funding comes on top of the $5m secured before the re-election of the McGowan Government in 2021. It will enable Chung Wah to purchase and build a fit-for-purpose community centre in the Tangney area to benefit members and the wider community. The announcement was made by Sam Lim, Labor candidate for Tangney, together with Patrick Gorman MP, the Honourable Kate Doust MLC, Kim Giddens MLA, and Dr Jags Krishnan MLA on 15 May 2022. Chung Wah Association is grateful for their support.

The Chung Wah Association, as the oldest ethnic association in Western Australia, has tirelessly promoted multiculturalism, community language and significant cultural events, as well as initiating charitable activities, providing community and aged care services, and enriching social activities. The Chung Wah Association also thanks the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce and other Chinese associations located in the Tangney electorate, who assisted Chung Wah in obtaining this funding commitment.

中华会馆于此欣然宣布,当选的 Albanese 领导的工党政府将投入 175 万元用于在 Tangney 地区建造一个新的中华社区中心。这笔资金是在 2021 年 McGowan 政府连任之前获得的 500 万元的基础上由联邦追加的拨款,这将使我们能够在 Tangney 地区购买和建造一个适合用途的社区中心,这不仅会使我们的会员受益,但更广泛的社区的各界人士也因此受惠。 2022 年 5 月 15 日,Tangney 地区的西澳工党候选人林文清与珀斯地区议员 Patrick Gorman、西澳大利亚州南区上议员 Kate Doust MLC 、Kim Giddens MLA 和 Jags Krishnan 医生一起出席宣布活动。中华会馆诚挚感谢他们的一贯支持。

中华会馆作为西澳历史最悠久的少数民族社区组织,孜孜不倦地推动多元文化、社区语言和各类大型文化活动,并发起慈善活动、提供社区和老年护理服务、以此丰富社会活动。我们也感谢西澳中华总商会和位于 Tangney 地区的其他华人社区组织的支持,以协助我们获得这项资助承诺。