Chung Wah Community Care (CWAC) is a group under the umbrella of the Chung Wah Association. It is dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds, especially non-English speaking backgrounds, in Western Australia. We have been delivering community care programs for seniors, their family members and ethnic communities since 1909, and we currently provide about 800 clients with support and services delivered by professional bilingual staff, support workers and volunteers to help them overcome frailty or disability.

CWCC has helped thousands of people and their families over the past century, and we intend to continue improving the community and living standards for all through our person-centred approach, our dedication to people, and our ongoing pursuit of our vision and our values.


CWCC is funded by:

  • Home Care Package (HCP)
  • Commonwealth Home Support Program(CHSP)
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Chung Wah Community Care Quarterly Magazine

“Living Stronger” is CWCC’s quarterly magazine. Because of the varied backgrounds of our readers, the magazine is translated into three languages: English, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Each magazine covers important CWCC events, community and aged care news and information, and upcoming events.

Click here for the past issue of the magazine: Living Stronger Magazine (

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