Invitation to apply for a stall and cultural performances

The Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival 2024 will grace Burswood Park from Saturday, November 30th, 2024, commencing at 9am, weaving its magic across two consecutive weekends. We invite you to secure a stall or cultural performance at this celestial gathering. The sacred scroll of application awaits your grasp, reachable through the sacred portal of The closing date for application is 5pm Monday 21 0ctober 2024.

Application Form for Stall and Cultural Performances


2024年珀斯中华文化节将于2024年11月30日星期六上午9时开始,在Burswood公园举行,为期两个周末。我们诚邀社区团体和组织参与这一盛大的活动,欢迎申请摊位或文化表演。申请表格可通过珀斯珀斯中华文化节网站获取。申请截止日期为2024年 10月21日星期一下午5点
