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Wesley Church Guided Tour and Talk | 卫斯理教堂导览和讲座
April 20, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

With its foundation stone laid in 1867 and officially opening in 1870, Wesley Church has an extraordinary history just waiting for you to explore.
Rev Hollis Wilson from Uniting Church in the City will provide a guided tour of the church. Joining him is guest speaker Kaylene Poon from the Chung Wah Association who will share the fascinating history of the Wesleyan Chinese Mission.
On display in the Wesley Church is a beautiful silk ‘Welcome’ banner which belonged to the Wesleyan Chinese Mission and was recently donated by the Chung Wah Association to the WA Museum who have loaned it to the church for display during April. Kaylene will share the fascinating story behind the banner and its historic connection with the Wesleyan Chinese Mission and the Chinese community in Perth.
来自城市联合教会的霍利斯·威尔逊牧师 (Rev Hollis Wilson) 将提供教堂导游服务。 与他一同出席的还有来自中华会馆的邝彩玲女士 (Kaylene Poon) 担任解说员,她将分享卫斯理华人宣教团的精彩历史。
卫斯理堂内陈列着一面美丽的丝绸“欢迎”横幅,该横幅属于卫斯理华人宣教团,最近由中华会馆捐赠给西澳博物馆,并于四月份借给教堂展出。 凯琳将分享横幅背后的精彩故事,以及它与卫斯理华人宣教会和珀斯华人社区的历史联系。